Our Auxiliary
We as the members of the Auxiliary are dedicated to helping our War Veterans with support emotionaly and/or financialy. As members we conduct fund raisers so we can accomplish some of our goals. Additionaly we reach out to youth groups to help them learn the proper etiquet of presenting and retiring our American flag.
Membership in the Auxiliary
Unfortunatly not everybody can join the Auxiliary. But you would be suprised that many of you could be eligible. The key factor is if you are related to a person who is eligable to join the VFW. The VFW eligable person does not have to be a member of the VFW for you to join the Auxiliary, just need the paperwork. It would be nice if the eligible person did become a member. On a sad note, the eligible person does not have to be living.
This link to the National Auxiliary Membership page has all the information needed to become a member of the Auxiliary. Eligibility Information
For more information contact our Membership Chairperson Desiree, click her email link on the left.
Auxiliary Application
We have an Adobe fillable Auxiliary application for you to fill out. Click Here. Be sure to provide all necessay documantation when you turn the application in. The current new member dues are $38.00 and $28.00 for renewal. New members will receive a copy of the Podium Edition Bylays and a VFW Auxiliary pin. If you calculate the amount of years you will be participating, it would be advisable to get a life membership. Don't forget as time goes on dues will go up.
Our Auxiliary's Programs
Below are some of the programs we conduct throughout the year to raise money and support the War Veterans and bring awareness of Patriotism to the Community.
- "Buddy Poppy" The link we have will take you the VFW's "Bubby Poppy" page, which will provide you with a much better and richer experience then we can. All I can say as the "Buddy Poppy" Chairperson is when you see a "Buddy Poppy" display do your best to make a donation for a "Buddy Poppy". if you cannot make a donation, DO NOT SHY AWAY. Just tell us and we will give you one. I would like you to spread the word about the help the "Buddy Poppy" program provides for our War Veterans.
a. VFW Auxiliary "Buddy Poppy" (National Home for Children)
b. VFW Auxiliary "Buddy Poppy" (Veterans Support)
- Flag placement. Our Post has adopted Desert Lawn Memorial Park, for Flag placement on Memorial Day (Last Monday in May) and Veterans Day (November 11). This is accomplished with the help of Scouts BSA (formaly Boy Scouts) and the Girls Scouts.
- Patriotism. .
- Bingo
Our Auxiliary is a 501(c)19, Non Profit Organization
Unfortunatly Donations under $500.00 to the Auxiliary are not tax deductable. Donations $500.00 and above can be processed through the VFW Foundation and will be tax deductable. Small donations can be made to the Post itself and noted that the funds are to be alocated to the Auxiliary, will be tax deductable.